Monday, March 24, 2014

Trade Show Know......

Choosing the right trade show to attend can change more than just the scenery.


Maybe this year you need something to change with your business. You can’t always change much in your business, the logo, the product, the people. Maybe instead your business could use a change of scenery.
Sounds simple enough, right! “Trade shows are so expensive, and time consuming and require all my workers.” I hear what you’re saying, but consider the instant benefits of all that hard work. Trade shows can drop you right into the center of where your new clients are. Plus, managing your trade show in a different way might allow you to enjoy the experience. So here are some tips to follow.
KNOW where you’re going...
I’m not talking about which hotel you’re staying in or what airport you need to be in at least 2 hours early. I’m asking, where is your business headed? What are your goals? Where will you be in 5 years or more? Are you looking to branch out beyond your current borders? Are you thinking locally, globally, socially? Research trade shows that get your business in touch with the most customers you can. If you are a new business owner, go to local trade shows. Go as a guest. See what others are doing and who is featured in that trade show. Seeing what others in your field are doing can benifit you as well. Studies have shown that when similar businesses are near each other geographically it improves the traffic of both businesses; the same is true in trade shows. Parking your booth next to your arch rival can benefit you both.
Know what you can do...
Sounds simple enough, but when is the last time you brainstormed on what your business can really do. Is there a way you can use your companies’ products or service that hasn’t been done before. Finding simple ways to improve people’s lives can have a big affect. This is an opportunity for you to dream in your company. Those in their late 30’s and younger know, we expect our jobs to accomplish a goal beyond the monetary. has an article called What Millennial's Want Most: A Career That Actually Matters. Why is this important? Because that is also what your consumer wants. Your consumer now cares about whether or not your company recycles, supports its workers and buys local. It all matters and it’s all marketable. Looking for trade shows that allow your company to reach the ever growing Green Movement. Like the Eco Expo Asia, Eco Build, Eco Transport and Logistics trade shows.

APPL 2014 Albuquerque, New MexicoKnow where you are...
This is an important step, knowing where you are in your business is probably the least appealing thing to deal with. Not everyone, but many will not want to face the proverbial mirror on this. We don’t like change, we don’t want to have to change, but, as my daddy always said, “life isn’t fair.” So be prepared. Every year around trade show time you should be examining how you appear. Step outside of your own business and play the part of the consumer looking in. Do you like what you see? Are you attracted to your business? “But I sell auto parts..” So, are you attracted to your business? Your consumer will make judgment calls based on appearance, and then based on product and service. has an article called What Millennials Want Most: A Career That Actually Matters.  Why is this important? Because that is also what your consumer wants.
                                                                                                               Barry Salzberg
                                                                                                               Forbes Magazine 
 Trade shows give consumers a glimpse into your business. Staffing your booth properly, using excellent graphics and having the right materials to give away to your consumer helps them chose you in the future. You need to have encouraging, hard working, knowledgeable people running the booth and allow each other breaks to see the trade show for yourselves. This is a time to learn and absorb ten times the information you normally get day to day. At the end of your trade show you’ll have a new outlook and even if it wasn’t a perfect fit, you’ll Know more than you did before. 

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